Wednesday 24 January 2024


 Hello my name is Lucy Adongo from Nairobi Kibera. I am 18 years old. I like to draw, sing and dance. I recently joined this project to share my talent with young talents like me. 

I believe that everything is possible and everyone can do more than they think they can do. Everyone has a purpose in this world and that is the reason.

Ever since I joined this project, I learnt to get along with young ones which has helped in boosting my courage. 

Sharing ideas with with the younger kids has made me more creative, also thanks to our supporters for making this experience possible. 

This projected has created a room for young talents and preventing young minds from going astray. Most young people in slums  find themselves misusing their time which leads to bad practices among young people. This project has helped to prevent such kind of acts by giving a space to young people to practice art.


 My name is Becky Elizabeth. I am 11 years old and a youngest sister to Devilon Junior Omondi and I am in grade six. I am happy to take this chance to tell you how art has changed my way of life by reducing stress, anxiety and offering perspectives on the challenges that we all face in our lives. Being raised in the largest slums in Africa (Kibera), a place where no one could actually wish to live if they were given a choice, but life pushes us to that extreme end. 

As a young person hoping for a better world, I was so passionate in dancing and singing but didn't have someone to support my talent. Luckily enough Calvin started an art project with the help of his friend Luca from another world. I joined it even though I had no idea about drawing. I joined the project also because I wanted to see how it feels when drawing since schools here didn't offer art classes or even value it all. My brother and I joined the project and we could enjoy watching each other's art work even though Junior was so talented but I had the passion to learn and improve on my art work.

As time goes by, we managed to rent a public room which we use for not only arts but also to learn lifeskills and other educational trainings. The projected started growing and many kids joined us. I noticed that my skills started improving being taught by a very friendly teacher Wex Wesley. I also learnt that art requires a deep discipline something our generation lacks. I also find it helpful that I was developing my confidence and creativity. I am so thankful for other supporters who have joined us in this project. I know great things are achieved my unity and not separation. I would like also to get the opportunity to continue dancing and singing by getting someone to teach us the cultural dance. Thank you for your time.

Future Within Young Talents



This blog is meant for our young talented kids in slums of Kibera. We promote artistic skills, education  and rational thinking. We believe that art education is a powerful tool to change the world, as it bring awareness to social issues and foster a sense of acceptance-bringing people together regardless of background.

I am Calvin Juma  from Kenya living in slums of  Nairobi Kibera. I am so passionate in community service and social change.  I would first of all like to take this opportunity to explain better on how this initiative was born. My wife and I met Luca Luigi from Italy in Facebook by chance. We had some conversation and get to know each other better. 

It is with great thanks that Luca was also an enthusiast of social change and we develop a common interest. He proposed to us an idea of starting an art project as he was so passionate in cultivating artistic talents. Before then, I was engaging in other community activities including: environmental cleanup and conservation, empowering young women, poultry keeping and diseases management, kitchen gardening and other life transforming initiatives.

We started the art classes in my house and few students begin to develop interest in drawing, though some of them had the artistic skills but lack some space to practice and express their artistic idea.

However,  Luca was supporting us to ensure the kids had enough learning materials to thrive .It eventually led to self-complacency between us and the kids. At least, I could say there were glimmers of hope knowing that there was someone out there who cares and was ready to collaborate with us to promote artistic talent and to restore hope.
It's so unfortunate, that art is underrated in the world and in the field of International cooperation. I believe that humanity has always finds ways of expressions from writing to music, painting, sculpting, storytelling and more. Art should never be underrated because they help make us feel better.
For our children in Kibera slums, this has been extremely vital opportunity for them to be able to express themselves freely and to command a specific information to the community about what they feel. We realized that not all children are able to express themselves verbally and are always embarrassed to speak in public. 
As the kid's continue drawing, we realized there was a great need to find a public space for kids to practice not only drawing but also life skills and other educational trainings.

Gradually, we are still growing and many kids have joined us. Our goal is to unlock kids full potential through arts and to create a world where art is valued. We are also committed to promoting education and recently our kids started writing their own stories to enhance their creativity.  We hope to find more people that are willing to cooperate and partner with us to continue creating a lasting change in the community and across the world. Together we can make a difference and change the world.


  My name is Devilon Junior Omondi . I was born in 2008 November 20th. I live  in Kibera slum . I started drawing when I was Grade three . Everyday I was drawing and giving to my teacher but sometime I could not draw because I did not have materials and someone to help me with materials . When I joined Calvin program and I started perfecting my skills .

 When I was in the  program I learn new things that I did not know . When I saw the place was perfect I invited my friends who had the same skills like me and others. As time went by we were many and the place was too small  to host us . So Calvin and I sat down and came up with an idea of renting a room.

 Now we have a room  and the number of children is getting bigger and bigger every single day . We are so thankful and grateful . I know that you are God sent and do not stop the good job that you are doing and God will bless you more and more.

 When I grow up I would like to empower children who have the skills of drawing and others just like you empower me . THANK YOU CALVIN AND LUCA FOR SURPORTING ME AND OTHER CHILDREN GOD BLESS YOU. MARY CHRISMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. 


 My name is Mary Jessica, I am twelve years old. I live in Kibera with my family. I didn't know how to draw and so my friends used to laugh at me for that and so I didn't like anything to do with drawing. I kept on one thing in my mind that everything is possible. Mr Calvin, brought me a teacher called Wesley. He taught me how to draw and encourage me that I can do it. 

Our teacher announced that there is a drawing group he wants to form and from there he taught my friends and I. 
He also asked us to call other childrens that were interested in drawing and the family grew in number since we many, Calvin, the director asked our supporter honourable Luca to help us get a space for drawing and reading.

We are all grateful and happy for getting a good space and comfortable for drawing. We don't only use the space to draw but also use it to practice singing and dancing. We also learn some life skills.

We are so happy to have another person to support us by the name Donna. She and Luca agreed to help and support our dreams. Since then, we've been getting stationeries like pens, colours, books and drawing boards which has helped us to grow bigger in art. I thank you all for helping me to discover my talent. 

 Thanks for taking your time to read my story and may the good Lord bless you all!


  My name is Larine Akinyi, I live in slums of Kibera. I am 10years old and going to grade 6 next year. It's good that God has granted us this wonderful day although other people did not see it.

I would like to write this note for our sponsors and to people in the world to know about the activities we do.

Firstly, it is good that I was able to join this program. I am so much aware that there are some people who don't appreciate what we do.

I am so much disappointed with this kind human thinking. As one of the committed student who usually attends the arts classes and with the deep information I have gain so far about our project, I would like to say that this project is important and with good intention to help us become better people.

Secondly, I would like to appreciate our sponsors for supporting us with somethings that we do use. We appreciate you for bringing this learning section of art and culture for us children living in slums and yo bring hope to us for a better future.

It would be great if you people as our sponsors continue supporting us and giving us a room to improve our lives. In future, if all goes well, we hope and wish that this project will grow big and many people all over the world will follow and support our work. 

May God grant you with enough resources to continue spreading this good deeds to other children who may like to reach this place even for children's with special needs. Special thanks to you all.


I am Wesley Otieno a 20 years old visual and digital art artist. I started drawing when I was young. When I got to class 3, I learned how to draw from observation and mostly I drew characters from the text book and comic books. I use art to express moods, feelings, emotions or even making stories.

I am specialized in doing cubism art that help me show different feelings, moods and emotion. Besides cubism art, I also know other types of art like landscapes, portraits using different mediums like charcoal, paints (oil or acrylic and water colours), pencils, pens and pastel (soft, oil)

When I finished highschool, I already knew how to draw and also came up with my own art ideas concerning cubism art and other types of art. I also started helping others nature their talents . Month later, I joined an organization called 'Future Within' with Calvin Juma has the founder. I helped them teach their kids how to draw and share some ideas I have concerning art.

My experience with the kids have been good because the kids are improving on their skills and they are so happy that they can draw.

My goal is to help upcoming artist and children to discover their talent and to perfect on my skills so that I can help the upcoming artist to come up with their own ideas. 

My experience with the kids have been good, the kids are improving on their skills and they are also happy that they can also draw.

I would like to thank our project manager Luca Luigi Aschieri from Italy for supporting our kids from the start and giving them a chance to nature their talents. God bless you and your family. I appreciate you for supporting us, thank you very much.


Hi folks,  

my name is Mercyline Adhiambo I am 17 years old; I live in  slums together with my family. The art project has been helpful to me. I didn't know more about art as much as I know  now. I believe that art is not being the first but having fun. I have been having so much fan when drawing which has help me to cope with my daily challenges and forget about stress in my life. 

In this desperate world, these days its so hard to find people who can support talents especially arts. This is why I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn more given that there are still few people who hope for a better world and decided to support us in  this project. I feel so much comfortable being able to express my emotions when drawing than speaking my problems by word of mouth.
My wish is that this project could grow big and help inspire change not only in lives of children kibera, but also across the world.
Please follow and join us in this artistic project so we can build a better world together.
Thank you.

Monday 22 January 2024


I'm Luca Aschieri, last year I met Calvin Juma and Florence Owino, they are husband and wife, and they are very socially active in their community. They immediately seemed like very interesting people with whom it would be nice to organize something important.

After talking to them for a long time I wanted to try to propose organizing a drawing workshop, for the children of their community.

It's been a year now, and the experience has been wonderful. We have grown and the boys have impressed me with their commitment and desire to get involved. 

I would like to leave, to all the students of our artistic laboratory, my letter for the new year:

I am incredibly grateful to all of you for the commitment you have shown this year, and I would like to thank everyone: those who have been with us since the beginning, those who have recently arrived, and those who unfortunately had to leave us because they are no longer in Kibera.

New challenges await us next year and I will need the commitment of all of you, the trust you have given us so far, and your advice.

In fact, my goal would be to help you and us become better people, and give you and us the strength and courage to cultivate our talents and our future.

This is why I will ask you two things first of all:

- To always support each other by helping each other in difficulties, and learning to work in a team.

- To participate in the workshops always putting all your effort into what you are doing. Both the commitment to give your best in your work and the maximum in helping your teammates.

If you are tired, or if your family needs you, do what you think is best.

The laboratory must not seem like an obligation, it must remain a place where you enjoy coming.

I hope that this year that we have spent together has been beautiful and useful, and I hope that the next one can be even better.

The greatest gift you can give me will not be to thank me, but to commit yourself to what you do, to believe in me and in yourselves, and above all to find a way to tell us what you think. To talk to me about your ideas, your doubts or your advice.

Because it's not just you who wants our help, but we also need your one. 

And we need to know you to know what is best to do.

I would like to try to give you some advice:

Think and reason a lot with your thoughts. Let them grow by sharing them with friends.

Start to think as if the world is much smaller than you think. Because as time passes we are all closer and closer, our problems affect you and your problems affect us.

And start also to think that you are important, that the future depends on you too, and that if you can't make your dreams come true on your own, you can find someone to team up with, and become stronger or better.

My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skil...