Wednesday 24 January 2024


 My name is Mary Jessica, I am twelve years old. I live in Kibera with my family. I didn't know how to draw and so my friends used to laugh at me for that and so I didn't like anything to do with drawing. I kept on one thing in my mind that everything is possible. Mr Calvin, brought me a teacher called Wesley. He taught me how to draw and encourage me that I can do it. 

Our teacher announced that there is a drawing group he wants to form and from there he taught my friends and I. 
He also asked us to call other childrens that were interested in drawing and the family grew in number since we many, Calvin, the director asked our supporter honourable Luca to help us get a space for drawing and reading.

We are all grateful and happy for getting a good space and comfortable for drawing. We don't only use the space to draw but also use it to practice singing and dancing. We also learn some life skills.

We are so happy to have another person to support us by the name Donna. She and Luca agreed to help and support our dreams. Since then, we've been getting stationeries like pens, colours, books and drawing boards which has helped us to grow bigger in art. I thank you all for helping me to discover my talent. 

 Thanks for taking your time to read my story and may the good Lord bless you all!


  1. Hi Jessica
    Today I was rereading what you wrote. That's a really nice message.
    I also think that, with the right commitment and determination, almost anything is possible.
    I hope you manage to maintain this great desire to live and become a beautiful person.
    Sometimes life tests us and it can be difficult to continue believing in our commitment and possibilities.
    The friends around us help us to take courage and grow better.
    I hope you are not discouraged by the fact that some of your friends have had to return to live in rural areas.
    Above all I hope that you can continue to have good friends and be happy.
    Luca Luigi Aschieri

  2. Unfortunately, it is normal for friends or classmates to make fun of us for our shortcomings. Sometimes it is useful to understand what we can improve on, sometimes it is just envy and the desire to weaken our self-esteem and feel superior.
    If we are sure of our commitment, and always work to make ourselves better, then we should never be discouraged.
    Consistency and commitment will make us beautiful people. Maybe we need more time, but it's not too important. Everyone has their limits. We all have limitations, and we often make fun of others just to hide them.
    I believe that in this life, the real challenge is to be the best possible version of ourselves.
    Luca Luigi Aschieri


My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skil...