Sunday 10 March 2024

My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skills have enhanced because of the support we are getting from our art teachers who are Wesley and Scar. 

Since I joined this project, I have seen many personal changes in my life by helping me gain confidence and improving self esteem as it keeps me busy. 

According to the time I have been in this project, I can say that our space is quite less for all students because we have new students everyday. 

Otherwise with all my happiness, I would like to say thanks to Luca, Donna, Graziano, Calvin, Wesley and other people who are trying to help us. I can already see myself as a superstar in art. 


  1. Hi Bryton, I'm glad you're part of this group and I really appreciate your effort. Your drawings are always very beautiful.
    I'm happy that there are also young boys who are so passionate.
    Always help and encourage each other. Because this can help you in your future. Each of you will have to find your own way of being original and communicating with art what matters to you.
    I invite you to also read the comments I leave on other kids' posts, to avoid repeating myself too much.
    Sometimes we think that there can be big competition between artists, but this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes we encourage each other. In Europe there are small cities where many artists find themselves selling their works. Tourists come from far away to see the individual workshops, precisely because there are so many different artists, each with its own particularity.
    Artists can exchange ideas and evolve much better than alone.

  2. I love your drawings, they are really bold and expressive. You have a unique talent, I hope it takes you far.


My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skil...