Sunday 10 March 2024

Art is a powerful tool for change

Hello, my name is Joseph Otieno. I am twenty years old. I live in Kibera slums  and I am so talented in art ever since my primary school.

I am so lucky to have joined the organization with name "Future Within C.B.O founded by Calvin Juma. It offers a very special skills including art education, lifeskills and other important mentorship programs. I feel so lucky because my talent is drawing. I can draw clearly well with pencil but could also do wonders on paintings. 
Thanks to our art  teachers, for helping us become confidence with our at work and for bringing out the best to other young artists in our projects.
The number of students in our iniatives are growing day by day since it's just located beside the road. The organization has also begin to support other activities like dancing which is so important as it helps us to overcome shyness and social anxiety.

The organization is moving well but there are challenges facing us. The major challenge being, the room is too small to accommodate all of us and mostly it is so difficult to perform and practice dance in our room because it's too congested. The room is small but serve several programs. We wish it could be abit enlarged, so we can have space both for performing arts, dance holding meetings and for lifeskills trainings. 
I would like to finish by thanking our well wishers for their support and to let them know how this iniative means the world to us.
This is organization is supporting dreams in the slums and need outside support to grow efficiently.
Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joseph, you are very good at drawing, and it is very nice that you can be part of our group.
    I would like it will be possible to form a group of people in this laboratory who help each other, not only to improve technically but also to cultivate ideas and projects.
    If you make friends and know how to support each other, even sharing ideas, in the future this place could also become the starting point for a professional artistic project.
    In fact, my hope is that this project can become self-sufficient. With your own strength and thanks to commitment and spirit of initiative.


My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skil...