Sunday 10 March 2024

My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skills have enhanced because of the support we are getting from our art teachers who are Wesley and Scar. 

Since I joined this project, I have seen many personal changes in my life by helping me gain confidence and improving self esteem as it keeps me busy. 

According to the time I have been in this project, I can say that our space is quite less for all students because we have new students everyday. 

Otherwise with all my happiness, I would like to say thanks to Luca, Donna, Graziano, Calvin, Wesley and other people who are trying to help us. I can already see myself as a superstar in art. 

Art is a powerful tool for change

Hello, my name is Joseph Otieno. I am twenty years old. I live in Kibera slums  and I am so talented in art ever since my primary school.

I am so lucky to have joined the organization with name "Future Within C.B.O founded by Calvin Juma. It offers a very special skills including art education, lifeskills and other important mentorship programs. I feel so lucky because my talent is drawing. I can draw clearly well with pencil but could also do wonders on paintings. 
Thanks to our art  teachers, for helping us become confidence with our at work and for bringing out the best to other young artists in our projects.
The number of students in our iniatives are growing day by day since it's just located beside the road. The organization has also begin to support other activities like dancing which is so important as it helps us to overcome shyness and social anxiety.

The organization is moving well but there are challenges facing us. The major challenge being, the room is too small to accommodate all of us and mostly it is so difficult to perform and practice dance in our room because it's too congested. The room is small but serve several programs. We wish it could be abit enlarged, so we can have space both for performing arts, dance holding meetings and for lifeskills trainings. 
I would like to finish by thanking our well wishers for their support and to let them know how this iniative means the world to us.
This is organization is supporting dreams in the slums and need outside support to grow efficiently.
Thank you all.


Hello guys my name is Mary Akinyi Omondi. I joined this project few days ago after realizing how important it could be in my life. I am writing this letter to appreciate art because it is in important in my life. I am talented and passionate in dancing and I find this as a golden opportunity to showcase my talent. I hope through this project I can achieve my goal and improve my talent so that I can also help other people outside there.

My goal is to improve the condition of the environment without compromising the quality of living. I am confident that this training will help to achieve some skills and qualities that are most suitable to achieve.

I also have a strong passion for providing support and assist in a way that benefits both personally and professionally. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common problems which I feel are great in our community.

I hope we can grow together and inspire change in the world.

Thanks you


Hello , I am Leakey jeff ouma, 18 years of age and am a resident in kibera slums nairobi. i I am persionate in drawing in  and due to that i decided to join this organisation named FUTURE WITHIN C.B,O  Since it supports art work.I like it while am at this place because it makes me perfect my art skills through teacher wesley and teacher scar .

So far so good with this organisation coz since i joined this place , there are great improvements made  as the organisation is now capable of  supporting other talents and skills such as dancing.
There are also mentorship sessions done to peers which creates positive minds and also acts as a motivational tool to young adolescents.
Through my observation,my major challenge and my main issue of concern is about space available in this organisation.

Future within is an organisation with over forty young people with different talents and skills.the room available is inadequate to accommodate  all the people and also all the activities done 
It would be better if more rooms would be provided for effective running of activities.
more thanks to future within for supporting our dream through nataring our talents..

thank you.

My Experience with Art

 My name is Bryton Omondi. I am 13, years old in Kibera slums Nairobi. I am so passionate in drawing. I am confident to say that all my skil...