Sunday 11 February 2024



Once there was a boy called Lucas.

Lucas was hard working and also very respectful of his elders. He had a talent in drawing and had not been initiated in any drug abuse. As time passed, Lucas continued to be of good character. 

One day he was on his way to market when he saw a group of boys smoking in a corner. The boys called him. Lucas was shocked, but decided to go to them.

The boys tried to give Lucas drugs, but he refused, showing that he was strong and brave and continued on his journey to market.

The following morning Lucas woke up early to go to school. 

He had his breakfast and set off quickly so he wouldn’t be late.

When he arrived at school, he was surprised to find that the pupils were in assembly. He was lucky to find that the pupils were cheering for him.

The head teacher called him to come forward and he stood there waiting for the next instructions. He was told that he had leading in the exams and he had to give the pupils advice and tips on passing exams. 

Lucas told them that the way to pass exams is to avoid groups of gangsters that smoke cigarettes and bhang, drink alcohol, and have sex with every girl.

When Lucas had finished, the pupils applauded, then went back to their classrooms.  

It was evening when Lucas was on his way back home. When he arrived home, he found that there had been a quarrel. 

His father had been drinking and brought violence to his home. 

He didn’t greet anybody. He always greeted everyone when he came home, but that night everything changed.

His father was shouting and telling Lucas’ mother that she had stolen his money. He was beating her, and Lucas could not help her, because he was too young to confront him. He couldn’t do anything, because his father was a strong man.

Later, a few hours after beating his mother, his father went to sleep.

Lucas did not feel good. 

Although he could not tell his friends that his mother had been beaten by his father, he saw it as a big issue, but his mother didn’t see it as a big issue.

Time passed. Lucas was growing up and becoming a big boy, going through different stages of adolescence and lost control of himself.

In school Lucas was failing his exams and didn’t listen to advice. Then he started drinking and smoking. 

He had a girlfriend and wanted to have sex, and he would not respect his parents at all.  He used to smoke and drink alcohol with his friends.

One day Lucas and his friends went to a man’s garden to steal mangoes. There were lots of fruits, so they decided to go ahead with their plan. Lucas decided to climb on top of the tree, not worrying that they could be found stealing.

Suddenly, the owner of the garden came out and when he saw them, he brought a cane. 

Lucas saw him and told his friends that the man was coming, so they ran away and he was left there. He was scared and decided to jump off the tree, 

but couldn’t run, because one  of his legs was badly twisted. He started to cry. When the man found Lucas on the ground crying, he decide to take him to the hospital. 

In the hospital the doctor called his parents and told them that Lucas had lost a leg and a kidney because of too much smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Everyone was shocked to hear it and that he had HIV and AIDS. 

They heard Lucas shout in the room and entered to see what had happened.

Lucas was crying, and asked his parents, “Where is my leg?” 

His parents explained what the doctor had told them, ad Lucas knew that he would never walk again. 

A few years later, he was called by one of the schools in the city to give them advice. The podium was set, many people had gathered from everywhere, the school band ushered the guest of honour with wonderful songs to set the mood and prepare them to hear Lucas advice to both parents and pupils.

Then Lucas stepped onto the podium with a smile on his face. People were smiling and cheering. 

Lucas began “Guest of honour, parents, teachers, pupils, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to this school. I wish to especially thank our guest of honour, Calvin, for gracing this occasion. Thank you for taking the time to be with us today.

Today is an important day and everyone has been waiting for it. The school of the future opened its doors exactly twelve years ago. It started in Calvin’s house, with three children. By the end of the year the number of pupils increased to forty. Calvin is a great man and now he had built a room to accommodate the growing number of pupils and bring new teachers. 

Thank you Calvin, education is the best thing, but the fruits it bears are sweeter, so it was up to us to work hard at school. 

I was a hard working pupil and did very well, but a group of friends lead me astray and I was out of control. 

I planned to go to a good secondary school, but I couldn’t go, because I was using drugs and couldn’t read, and started failing exams. I couldn’t do two things at the same time and decided to go with my friends to steal, and that’s how I lost a leg. 

I also contracted HIV and AIDS by having sex with lots of girls.

Remember to make hay while the sun shines, and don’t forget that empty vessels make the most noise”, Luca concluded.

Everybody’s heart was full of joy as they walked out of the field. 

Lucas knew that he had learned a great lesson that he would never forget.  

                                                    THE END 


This story was slightly corrected in some parts during transcription. You can see the original in the photos below, handwritten by the writing team.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. It shows a lot of thought and care and came out great! Stay strong and keep the faith, you are more special than you know! Love Aunty ❤️


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